
Learning By Engaging

Connectivism is a learning theory promoted by Stephen Downes and George Siemens. Called a learning theory for a digital age, it seeks to explain complex learning in a rapidly changing social digital world. The constantly changing, entirely unforgiving environment in which we all now operate denies the satisfaction of any permanent fix. Somehow, we must learn to scale trust and purpose without creating chaos. Systemic understanding and strong lateral connectivity helps to create shared consciousness. Our purpose is to help organizations to become a “team of teams” – an enterprise that captures at scale the traits of agility normally limited to small teams. As stated by General Stanley McChrystal: “The union of shared consciousness and empowered execution is greater than the sum of the parts.”

The third component of Global Resilience Consortium is the development and nurturing of a vibrant community of interest composed of engaged users allowed to share, discuss, and debate issues. The community will be able to foster social learning through engagement and exchanges, data sharing, and resource providing. The maintenance of the community of interest is no small feat. It requires a Social Media component that allows the community to remain engaged over time in a sustainable manner. It requires administrators, sub-administrators, and moderators who can keep the interactions flowing both from a technical and from a social engagement standpoint. It also requires intrinsic motivators to keep the community engaged over time.

The Global Resilience Consortium supports partners in developing a Consortium approach to enhance participants' ability to successfully interact and operate in joint and coalition-like environments within specific regions connecting them into a knowledge-share global network that:

  • Helps to build international and regional trust;
  • Promotes “unity of cause” where “unity of command” is not feasible;
  • Promotes greater awareness of past success and promotes future capabilities through the spirit of “co-developing” best efforts together.

The Global Resilience Consortium is a subsidiary and trade name of Global Strategic Resources, LLC, a California-based, forward-thinking professional services firm offering confidential analytic support and creative services to world-wide partners who seek to foster innovative solutions for a secure and sustainable world